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If you are a cardmaker or wanna be cardmaker here is a quote from a family that has been touched by Operation Write Home...
I am writing today to thank you. I adore letters. To the point that my husband (now on his third deployment) and I have chosen them as our source of communication. We both love holding pieces of each other in our hands, and we have passed that love onto our kids. They choose not to Skpe with him, would pass on a phone call at times, but his letters -- oh how they squeal for them. My husband has lately been using cards from Operation Write Home. And he loves them; as do I. I can't thank you enough.
When I originally read this I just wanted to sit down and make a bunch of cards. If this inspires you as well please go to the Operation Write Home for all the details on helping out.
So with that being said I am challenging myself to make a card for each comment left on my blog for this hop.
Here is my card. I think M.S. and her family would love receiving this patriotic miss you card.
Copic markers, CTMH stamp pads
Ribbon: Offray
To continue on with the hop please click here to check out the great card Corinna has for us.
To continue on with the hop please click here to check out the great card Corinna has for us.
Thank you for stopping by and have a safe and fun weekend. Thank you dad and all the other vets that have serviced us in the past.
Thank you all our service men and women around the world. You guys rock!
Cute card!
Thank you so much for sharing the letter from someone who receives our cards. She described EXACTLY why I'm doing this.
Thanks for supporting the troops and OWH, darling card.
Stampin Hugs,
Very very pretty.
TFS.. love the card... I have only used "Simple Pleasure" colors with this stamp set... I'll have to use some others as it is beautiful!
Oh what a great card. Thank you for sharing that letter. What great inspiration for us to get those cards sent off.
What a great story! Yes, it does make me want to make more cards!!! TFS!!
Add on more to card challenge. I think that it is amazing how just a few moments making a card in turn makes someone else's day! Great job and keep it up! Thanks for sharing the letter.
Cute card and layout!! Awesome way to challenge yourself!! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing your letter, it's neat to think that something we did as card makers bless others.
Love your card today, now you have one more for your goal!
Beautiful card! Thanks so much for your "challenge" to yourself to make more cards for OWH!
Beautiful, simple card... Very nice! Have a great weekend! ;o)
Great card. And thank you for sharing the letter. It definitely makes someone want to go get creative right away! And, as a military wife, let me say thank you for sharing your creativity to help bring families closer who are separated by duty.
Very nice card. I especially like how you used the squares as a background. Good work!
Pretty flower!! Love how you popped the top part of it.
And your blog is gorgeous, I love the background!!
I really like the simple square punchies you used as a background. Great idea.
Thanks for supporting OWH!
Great card! I really like the grid of squares.Thanks for sharing that letter!
Pretty card....
Ah! Cute card! I believe someone would definitely enjoy receiving that card.
Also, thank you for sharing that quote. It definitely inspires me to move over to my craft desk and start working. :)
Thanks for sharing your artwork. Have a great Memorial weekend.
Lovely card
great card,very unique flower....great job!!! ;)
Happy Memorial Day!
PS~ Thanks for sharing the story of the woman and how she loves the cards.....makes it all worthwhile!!!
Cute card, thank you for sharing!
Thanks for the sketch....thanks for sharing.,
Thank you so much for your husband's and for your service to our country...my family truly appreciates it. Great card!!
Great card! I am so glad to here that you are enjoying cards, notes and letters! Thank you!!!!
Great card!
Great card...I am honored to add to your list.
That's EXACTLY why I make cards for OWH! Hope that you get lots more comments! I'm sure they'd be happy to get your card. Thanks for supporting our Heroes and OWH.
This one doesn't really count toward your card total, just forgot to tell you that I really like the backdrop for your blog!
I think those squares on the card are clever! The whole card is clever, but those squares are a terrific idea. Thank you for sharing!
Very nice card. TFS
nice work!!
thanks for participating today!
Lindsey @ ScrapStreet
Here's hoping that you'll get over a hundred comments!!!! The soldiers really appreciate the cards & I'm sure they will appreciate all of the lovely ones that you have & will be making! Your work is stunning!
I love your OWH story and card, both are inspirational. Thanks
What an inspiring story - so here is to one more card made for the troops.
Beautiful card!
That popped-up flower is the perfect touch! I love your card! Thank you for sharing and I wish you the best -
Thank you for sharing that letter. I think its wonderful that you are going to make a card for each comment left to send to OWH. AWESOME!
Very nice! I like how you popped up the flower.
Lovely card TFS! Thank your husband for me for his sevice to our country.
Great Card!
Fun card and neat tip!
Good for you for deciding to make a card for every comment you get! You'll be busy for awhile. :)
Thank you for your commitment and I am going to enable you to make one more card by commenting on your blog. Your story is inspiring and I do hope that M.S. receives more and more cards from OWH most of all I do hope she and her family with have their Hero home soon.
Your card is lovely. Thank you for supporting OWH!
What a cute card. Thank you for supporting our troops!
what a perfectly simple card!
Your card is very nice. I like how you popped up the flower. Thank you for supporting OWH!!!
Here's another comment! Thanks for supporting OWH. I love reading how people love to send cards, so touching when they said like holding onto a part of them. Love your card!
Well done with that card and thanks for the tip on curving it out a bit with a pen first for dimension :)
Thanks for recruiting new members of the OWH team with your message of why this is so important.
Got to keep you busy making cards. I manage about 30 a month is all so good for you taking on this challenge.
I love how you used the square for the background to bring out the sentiments.
Very pretty card! Thanks for sharing the letter.
great card!
so glad that you and your husband have "found" OWH and you're enjoy the benefits . . .but more importantly thank you, your husband and your family for your service to our country. May he return home soon safe and sound.
Another comment, another card. Thanks so much
Here's my comment to add another card to your Donation Box! :-) I really like the background blue squares that set off your center panel so nicely! Love the layout! Thanks for sharing and for your personal challenge cardmaking!
Happy Crafting!
great card! thanks for your comments on my blog. :) have fun vreating all the cards for owh - what a great idea.
Thanks for sharing M.S.'s letter!
Very inspiring :)
(78 on the list)
Thanks for sharing the letter and the card and for committing to making more. Bless you!
This is such a cute card! You did a great job!
cute card! thanks for sharing.
Very nice card. Thanks for sharing it and your commitment to make a card for each comment.
Thank you for sharing the story from the OWH family. That is great motivation to get some cards made this weekend.
Fantastic card - thanks to your family for your hubby's service. Prayers for his safety
Cute card. Thanks for sharing.
Such a lovely card! Thank you so much for your service in supporting our troops!
Really nice card. Thank you for your support of OWH. God bless!
Fabulous card and thank you so much for sharing M.S.'s letter. It certainly reminds me why I make cards for the troops... there really is something about having a piece of paper in your hand that has been touched by a love one far away!
Very nice card! Thanks for sharing! The little note does inspire me to make cards. Thanks for posting it!! :)
Very amazing card. I felt the same way the first time I read that note!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Happy Memorial Day!
God Bless our Soldiers & their families!
okj83 at live dot com
Very cute card. Thanks also for sharing that letter.
I love your squares for the background.
Lovely card. Sure to be a bright spot in someones day.
Lovely card! Thanks to your husband for his service to our country - my sister is deployed as well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Congrats on your card challenge - here's another one : )
I'm doing one as well for all comments received on all three of my participating blogs.
Happy Crafting for OWH! : ) Susan
Love the card but most of all the story you shared! That makes me sooo glad I am contributing to OWH.
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